So, i know most of you bought a lotto ticket last weekend, I did and I never buy them. I won $70 bucks off it which is going to the cocktail fund, but as for the rest if you - I've got something with far better odds.
Its called a RAFFLE. Little bit old school- I know, but I swear your odds are better than lotto ( this is largely based on the increase of people leaving town at this time of year).
Here's the deal the choice fullas at RVCA have thrown us $500 worth of gear and we are raffling it off- yup the old school write your name on a ticket type gig. All 6 of my friends have entered so far and we need more so flick us an email or call us and get cha self in the draw.
Oh and all the proceeds go toward the Wanaka skate park extension!!!