An exhibition in the works.
"Its been done" is an art exhibition planned for the end of 2008 (most likely Sept) with a dash of community spirit.
We hope to ask as many artists and creative types to donate a little of their time and effort to a good cause- the extension of the Wanaka Skate park.
Its aptly named, because, lets be honest people, painting on skateboards isn’t new, and well, neither is fundraising. Doesn’t mean it cant still be fun.
There aren’t too many restrictions, the biggest one being all artwork must be on USED skateboards, they can be broken, in pieces or in good condition we only ask that they are used in keeping with the theme of the exhibition, saving the planet, and also creating a bit more of a challenging medium to work with.
I am asking as many artists as possible, and am happy with this email being forwarded to anyone who might be interested, it’s a come one come all situation, the only hitch is that all boards are donated- unfortunately there can be no monetary benefit for the artist- but lets not forget the glory and experience!!
All the boards will be hung and exhibited in The Good Room. There will be an exhibition opening night, where all decks will be sold for the same price- most likely around the $50-60 dollar mark, so that they are attainable to both the young and old, you know we are big on accessible art here at The Good Room.
All proceeds will go straight to the Wanaka skate park, I intend to get as much sponsorship as possible to assist, so if you are someone who may be interested in sponsoring the event, please don’t hesitate to get in touch too!
If you need any decks to work on- please contact me also, as we have been gathering as many used decks as possible since this idea was just a seed, purely for this purpose.
This is just the first info sheet to get the word out there and get people excited and interested, Its been an idea in my head for too long now. There is plenty of time, and there may be a few changes along the road, but I think you get the idea for now.
If you have any questions, ideas or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact me,
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